
Spark a manufacturing renaissance 

We're bringing Made in America back, with the latest technology, powered by software, wit, and grit

Sta​​​​rt No​​w ​​​​​​​​​​​​

What we can do, for you

Digital Transformation

Not just a buzzword, the real deal. We use a Unified Namespace Architecture to deploy Digital Infrastructure at low cost, with a short time to value.

A Partnership for Ongoing Success

We help you build a foundation for your business to thrive and grow, then we continue to deliver results as you face new challenges and scale.

An Open Platform

We build using  Open Source technologies as much as possible, keeping costs low, and full transparency to you. Become part of a growing community of builders, and efficiency wizards who will help you learn and continuously improve.

Infrastructure - How You Need It

You have the choice to manage your infrastructure on-premise, in the cloud, or in a hybrid deployment. We also offer competitive fixed-cost hosting solutions that compete with traditional cloud providers, passing the ROI directly to you, and avoiding ballooning cloud costs.

Are you a manufacturer looking to modernize your infrastructure?

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Are you a startup looking for advanced manufacturing and software solutions?

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